Vanilla is a nice breath of fresh air for everyone who has searching through a hundred forums looking for what they need. Like a lot of popular CMS’s, they take the approach that it has the essential functionality upon install, and that can be extended with add-ons. It features a rich user experience along with slick administration capabilities.

Current Version: 1.1.5a
Cost: Free
Development: Individual(s)
Specialization: Forum
Hosting: Own Server
Source: Open Source
License: GNU GPL
Language: PHP
Database: MySQL
Our Experience:
Logging into Vanilla as an admin is quite different than logging into most other forum software. Instead of being overwhelming, it presents you with a handful of options on neatly separated screens. The system is pretty “vanilla” to begin with, but it is easy to use add-ons to get the functionality that you need for your forum. Over-all, a pleasure to use.
Because it takes a little bit of different view than most forums, at times you wish you had some functionality already built in, or some things just seem foreign compared to what you’re used to.
Helpful Links:
- Get Vanilla Read about and download the Vanilla forum software.
- Vanilla Community A vibrant community with a lot of add-on writers.
- Vanilla Documentation Learn about installing and using the Vanilla forum.
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