WordPress 3.0 Features

A new post over at the WordPress Dev Blog, and some information dug up by WP Beginner reveals some of the most exciting upcoming features in WordPress 3.0.

First off, WordPress MU (or “multi-user” will be merging with WordPress core. This basically means that you can set up multiple WordPress sites on one install. Second, custom post types will be easily added, so for example along with Posts, Pages, and Media, you could add another kind of content. This will be big for WordPress’ CMS capabilities.

Third, WooThemes has agreed to donate their custom navigation building plugin to be included as a part of the core. It will help mix Pages, Categories, Tags, Posts, and external links all into one easily editable menu. Fourth, there will be a new default theme, appropriately titled “2010”. This apparently means that there will be a new default theme every year. To find out more about these new features and others, head over to WP Beginner’s article.