Joomla is a large contender in the open source CMS market. It has won several awards, and many big websites use it for their management. It manages all different types of content well like simple text, photos, music, videos, or documents.

Current Version: 2.5
Cost: Free
Development: Community Driven
Hosting: Own Server
Source: Open Source
License: GNU GPL
Programming: PHP
Database: MySQL
Our Impressions:
Joomla is best for developers and those that need a powerful, extensible CMS. It is a solid offering that has a lot of functionality, while not being overwhelming on the first login. It can accomplish a lot with only the core, and is especially adept when you consider all of the third-party extensions that are available for it. There is a huge community backing Joomla so the good news is you generally can get fast help on their forums.
Developing themes may not be as easy when compared to other systems. Joomla has a large community devoted to it, with a million module creators, but that can get frustrating to find the right one for your needs. Sometimes you have to resort to using commercial modules which can cost a lot of money.
Helpful Links:
- Joomla! The home of Joomla
- Joomla Community The place to connect with other Joomla users
- Joomla Span Because Joomla Matters
- Best of Joomla! Good place to find themes and other resources
- Suggest a Link
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Voting has been open for this CMS since Saturday, January 3rd, 2009. There are a total of 7 Reviews for this CMS. You can follow future reviews through the RSS feed if you'd like.
Review by July 9th, 2012 12:26 am
Review by Alex May 17th, 2011 1:53 am
Strengths: Bit Community
Weaknesses: Horrible back-end if you need to install several extensions to get your desired features.
The configuration options will be scattered all over the back-end.
Then try to put some JS on your side… pain in the ass!
Most good plugins are stupid pay-ware!
Documentation is good as long as you do not need documentation for an of the many extensions…. unfortunately you NEED extensions if you want to have more than a simple “here i am, these are pictures of my famlily and thats it” site…
Review by Connell September 23rd, 2010 5:34 am
Strengths: Joomla is great for a standalone project and provides pretty good templating and accelerated development. Tons of plugins.
Weaknesses: Thoroughly in agreement with Mike. Too high a percentage of Joomla site has a ‘made by Joomla’ look. For designers this is a definitely a plus but this CMS does not allow for much flexibility outside of a plugin, module or component. Try dropping some JS on a page. it is a nightmare.
Review by EPProjects Poland May 22nd, 2010 8:24 am
Strengths: Joomla CMS może być używany do tworzenia i prowadzenia różnego typu witryn:
* portali,
* witryn komercyjnych,
* witryn korporacyjnych,
* intranetu,
* witryn non-profit,
* osobistych stron domowych,
* witryn integrujących w jedną całość mniejsze witryny.
Weaknesses: Brak
Review by Ignaty Nikulin October 28th, 2009 9:56 am
Strengths: Big Community.
Weaknesses: Don’t use evils CMS’es. Please, just don’t. This CMS is for school fun only.
Review by eric s. July 7th, 2009 6:11 pm
Strengths: The core comes with a lot of useful and strong components that enable rapid building of a basic site. Creating a template is fairly simple and there is a well written how-to section on the online documentation. There is also an extensive library of modules and plugins that extend the core. The administration section is user friendly once you get the hang of the terminology and behavior of the system. Users can log into the front end and make updates without having to go through the admin section; this works out well for clients.
For something that is free, Joomla offers a lot of well designed features and could easily go head to head with a proprietary system without breaking a sweat.
Weaknesses: Nearly all of the better third party modules are not free. For non-designers, nicer looking themes are not free either. Some basic functionality is not included in the core. The extensive features of the core make it a somewhat bloated system but not anymore than the next CMS.
Review by Mike April 5th, 2009 7:53 am
Strengths: Joomla is certainly a powerful cms and has many plugins and a huge community of developers and designers.
Weaknesses: Unfortunately, there is a huge amount of bloat in the code and even a simple addition of php generally means writing a complete mambot, module or component. It also has a certain “this site was made with Joomla” look on most sites created with it.
And as for teaching clients how to use it…..
Strengths: Joomla is a very very good CMS. Since the 2.5 update Joomla is 100% MVC so now Joomla is easy to use for customers needs…(sorry for my english).
But all is not perfect, Joomla administrator is very hard to understand, not easy too to create a beautiful template….but when you become a joomla pro joomla give you the best tools you can expect.