e107 was started by jalist in 2004. Since then it has taken on a life of its own and attracted a large community of users. It has a lot of helpful features for making a community type of site.

Current Version: 0.7.23
Cost: Free
Development: Community
Source: Open Source
Hosting: Your Server
License: GNU GPL
Programming: PHP
Database: MySQL
Our Impressions:
e107 has a really helpful community of users that are active in their development for this system. The system itself boasts a lot of helpful features for enabling someone to create a community-driven site.
Logging into the system presents you with a pageful of settings mixed in with the content creation tools. Because of this, it can be hard to get a grasp on where your content is and what kind of hierarchy it has.
Helpful Links:
- e107 Home Home page and news for e107
- e107 Designs Support & advice for e107 theming
- e107 Tutorials Creatively named, this is for tutorial help
- Suggest a Link
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Voting has been open for this CMS since Friday, November 21st, 2008. There are a total of 11 Reviews for this CMS. You can follow future reviews through the RSS feed if you'd like.
Review by ChicksHateMe July 4th, 2014 2:21 pm
Review by Mikael May 26th, 2013 4:15 pm
Review by ABooth February 15th, 2013 3:29 pm
Strengths: Easy for a simple site with an administrator to manage content. The admin interface has a web site control panel feel to it.
Weaknesses: No in-context content editing.
Adding pages is driven from the admin pages, instead of membership having roles and permissions.
Content editing is via archaic BB code.
This system feels like an immature version of PHPNuke and the above user comments feel like they originated from the developers and their friends.
Review by Ben Walters September 1st, 2012 5:18 am
Strengths: All-round brilliant!
Review by Mayank August 16th, 2012 11:06 pm
Strengths: Great structure nicely build easy to understand plugin development and theme development simply user friendly
Weaknesses: i wont find any weakness there as a PHP developer and Certfied Ethical hacker i found it better then other
Review by Marcel April 21st, 2011 1:44 am
Strengths: Loads of plugins for free at plugins.e107.org
With a little search one will find fantastic designers that create beautiful theme designs.
Excellent support on e107.org forums.
Weaknesses: The out of the box themes look out-dated on their design part. But don’t be fooled. The e107 engine behind it is simply brilliant: safe, up-to-date and easy to use.
Review by MikeyGMT April 15th, 2011 8:05 am
Strengths: I have used e107 since 2003 and joined the support team in 2010, I’m that impressed 😉
To that end, be advised of two new releases…
0.7.25 released 04-APR-2011.
* e_SECURITY Level
* HTML Abuse Filter
* TinyMCE & PCL Zip Upgraded
* Improved Stats Logging.
* Post Request Logging
0.7.24 released 22-SEP-2010.
* e_Token Security System
* Youtube BBCode
* ZB Block and other 3rd party Integration
Part of my support role is to improve the documentation. The wiki has been extensively reorganised, and video tutorials are being added continuously. Regards SEO page names, they have always been possible via custom API, but at the end of the day content is king!
Weaknesses: Echo the comments on publicity. We need to be blowing of our own trumpet!
Being so easy to setup and use, sometimes people forget that they do need invest in themselves by getting to grips with basic technical know how.
Review by G Thomas October 23rd, 2009 12:24 pm
Strengths: We prefer this over Joomla and e107 when delivering solutions to our clients. It’s robust, very easy to manipulate and the developer community is second-to-none!
Theming (both free and premium) is in abundance so inspiration is not far away.
As a business and CMS solutions provider, we are suprised (in our CMS experience), why is e107 not more recognised?
Weaknesses: We feel that’s it’s only in 2009 that e107 it getting the professional kudos it deserves. It’s so much more than a community club site engine!
Review by Father Barry March 21st, 2009 9:35 am
Strengths: Great for coders to add new functionality with new plugins (modules) very secure, easy to administer, some good themes starting to come on stream. Great comminity who try their very best to help.
Weaknesses: Not enough publicity telling people how good it is.
Review by Games March 21st, 2009 4:45 am
Strengths: Light weight.
Highly customizable.
Lot of third party plugin available. http://plugins.e107.org
Easy to install.
Great community support.
Very Detailed wiki available for reference.
Weaknesses: It dosen’t support Friendly URL, but it will be solved on the very soon next version.
No any good plugin available for blogger.
Review by rgk March 20th, 2009 9:27 pm
Strengths: e107 is a great CMS with tons of features and a great community.
Weaknesses: Lack of main stream attension.
Strengths: Not many anymore.
Weaknesses: E107 was once great, easy to work with and had a good community. Now it’s a JOKE!!!! All communications and support have been shut off.
I do a search for help on E107, and ALL searches take me to the main page. No longer to the great forum and community that once was. OLD users are left high and dry. The remnants of a forum are left read-only, IF you can even find it. No other way to get support.
I picture lemmings, falling off a cliff. I was one of them…..
I wasted 10 years learning and using E107. Following it. Contributing. Now, all previous support, community, etc.. is GONE. RUN from this CMS and don’t look back. Patterns are called patterns for a reason. It will happen again to this new version as long as it’s run the same way as it always has been. E107 may look good up front, but the wizards behind the curtain are idiots. They’ve destroyed a community., removed support, and ignore any communication. RUN!!!
There were signs, I just didn’t want to see it. Great support was replaced by silence. Or Sarcastic help that drove users away in droves. More and more of the good moving on…. I should have seen it coming….. Look at the team size!!! Almost nothing now, where once it was full of smart, energetic and communicative programmers.
I HATE I wasted so much learning this, only to be sent to a dead end. Seems they want to forget about the OLD versions and community and start fresh. Maybe let someone else do Support and just slowly make a new version. Yet they still look for donations, without supplying the long term help. I hate to watch this epic fail in progress.
I wish I could buy this so-called “e107, Inc” and run it like a business SHOULD be run. But I am afraid it’s too late.
Time to move on. But it’s so aggravating. In the RIGHT hands, this CMS HAD amazing potential. That’s what hurts.